What Color Is My Aura? Simple Color Test With Revealing Results

Updated August 30, 2021
Girl and aura colors
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While some people can see aura colors, many can't. So, if you don't know what your aura color is, you're not alone. Fortunately, you can take this aura color test to discover your aura's primary shade, which will help you gain emotional, mental, and spiritual insights.

Take the Aura Color Test

Ready to discover your main aura color and learn more about yourself? Take the test to find out!

LoveToKnow Paranormal Aura Color Test

Find your aura color with this fun aura color test. Click the 'Continue' button to start the quiz.

At the end of the test, you will get the results with your aura color and what it means to you!

How Do You See Yourself?

  • I have a simple lifestyle and enjoy meditation and introspection.
  • I really enjoy helping people; I'm a caregiver.
  • I'm into organic foods, vitamins and yoga. I make friends easily.
  • I'm the life of the party. I love chatting and being with other people.
  • I'm very conservative and thoughtful of other people's feelings.
  • I'm athletic; sometimes people mistake my energy for aggression because I'm very competitive.
  • I'm sentimental and even cry over commercials. I can't stand to see anyone in pain.

  • Next

What Your Co-Workers Say About You

  • Does the job involve getting dirty? If so, then you're not going to do it.
  • Yes, Yes, Yes. I hate telling anyone no.
  • In school, you didn't take shop class just for something to do. You love hands-on work.
  • You have very high expectations and perfectionist tendencies.
  • They'll just put the project down in front of you and dare you to do it.
  • You'll take one for the team any day!
  • You have a plan for every occasion. You're the team leader for a reason.

  • Next

What Kind of Person Are You?

  • I practice creative visualization.
  • I believe I'm here to be of service to others. I'll do whatever I can to help.
  • I'm the rebel in the crowd. Tell me not to do it, and I'm determined to do it.
  • I love talking, sharing information and getting to know people. I write and act.
  • I love aerobics, sports, and anything else that tests my physical abilities.
  • I have a short-fused temper.
  • I'm the eternal student. I want to learn everything I can.

  • Next

How Would Your Friends Describe You?

  • You have the biggest imagination ever and you're full of creative ideas!
  • You're a saint. You are forgiving and generous.
  • You are a true artist.
  • You are loving and giving.
  • You would go into a burning building to save people without realizing the danger to yourself.
  • You have both feet firmly on the ground.
  • You are very self-reliant and don't need to depend on anyone.

  • Next

Which Do You Love the Most? (for women only)

  • Give me my makeup bag and lots of perfume.
  • My home: it's decorated just the way I want it.
  • Designer clothes: I like a complete ensemble look
  • Jewlery, of course. Bling it on.
  • Pastries, candy, desserts. I love anything sweet.
  • Plants: Give me lots of plants and flowers.
  • Romance: Life isn't worth living without it.

  • Next

Which Do You Love the Most? (for men only)

  • My tools are a razor, aftershave, and manicure set.
  • My comfy leather chair and a wide screen TV.
  • My credit card, for the best tailor in town.
  • My Sports car, of course.
  • Give me pizza, chips and beer.
  • Hiking and being in the great outdoors.
  • Going to parties with my best girl.

  • Next

Which Is the Real You?

  • I have a dream. I can see the future very clearly and know how to make my dreams come true.
  • Talk to me. You can tell me anything and I'll hear every word.
  • Don't fence me in. I might take a trip on the spur of the moment.
  • I'm addicted to nature. I'm looking for my very own Waldens' Pond.
  • I don't mind taking risks as long as I know there's a payoff.
  • I prefer being by myself.
  • Don't shout and don't get angry. it makes me feel as though I'm the one upset or angry.

  • Next

What's Your Achilles' Heel?

  • The eyes are the windows of my soul and mine constantly weep.
  • I guess I don't talk enough, because I get a sore throat when I talk too much.
  • Indigestion: I love spicy foods, but my body can't tolerate them.
  • My lungs: I don't have a lot of wind, regardless what my friends say about hot air.
  • My muscles scream at me when I exercise.
  • My nervous system: I get uptight and anxious too easily.
  • My head feels like it's going to burst open. I get headaches very easily.

  • Next
Your Answers:
How Do You See Yourself?
What Your Co-Workers Say About You?
What Kind of Person Are You?
How Would Your Friends Describe You?
Which Do You Love the Most? (for women only)
Which Do You Love the Most? (for men only)
Which Is the Real You?
What's Your Achilles' Heel?

Your Color(s) are:

What the Aura Color Test Results Tell You

Your results show your aura's primary color at this stage in your life. You are a multi-faceted and complex person, and your aura reflects these intricacies. It has multiple layers, each with an array of tones and shades. Some of these hues change according to your mood and circumstances, while others remain fixed for longer periods. As your ideals, personality, and spiritual development shift throughout your life, your aura colors do as well because, as your vibrational frequency shifts, it changes the colors you emit in your aura.

Learn More About Your Aura Colors

Once you've gained insight about your current primary aura color, delve more deeply into unique personality traits, your current state of spiritual development, and associated challenges. Select your aura color below for an in depth profile.

Red Aura
Red aura
Igor Ustynskyy / Moment via Getty Images

Grounded, passionate, intense, and highly competitive

Orange aura
Orange aura

alvarez / E+ / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Orange Aura Meaning

Thrill-seeker and risk taker with high sexual and creative energy

Yellow aura
Yellow aura

Paul Simcock / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Yellow Aura Meaning Infographic

Optimistic and creative with a sunny disposition

green aura
Green aura
Westend61 via Getty Images
Natural-born healer with a loving and happy nature
Blue aura
Blue aura

Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Blue Aura Meaning

Excellent communicator with a calm and peaceful temperament
indigo aura
Indigo aura

Elke Meitzel / Moment / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Indigo Aura Meaning

Spiritually awakening with empathic and psychic gifts
Purple aura
Purple aura

Roy JAMES Shakespeare / Stockbyte / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Purple Aura Meaning

Highly spiritual and connected to Divine guidance
Pink aura
Pink aura

Westend61 / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Pink Aura Meaning

Loyal friend with a non-judgmental, and compassionate nature
gold aura
Gold aura
Westend61 via Getty Images
Spiritually enlightened walking the path of serving mankind
White aura
White aura

Leland Bobbe / DigitalVision / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Woman with white aura

Energetically pure and experiencing or sharing new spiritual insights
Rainbow aura
Rainbow aura

Nick Dolding / Stone / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Rainbow Aura Meaning

Nurturing and insightful with healing abilities
Black aura
Black aura
simonkr / E+ via Getty Images
Currently facing challenges related to body, mind, and spirit
Brown aura
Brown aura

Westend61 / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Brown Aura Meanings

Connected to nature and earth energies or recovering from trauma

What Causes Your Aura Colors?

After identifying your primary aura color, it may be helpful to learn how auras work. Colors in your aura are a reflection of vibrational frequency. In fact, all color--whether it's on a wall or in your aura--is the frequency of visible light, and frequency is the rate at which something vibrates. Since everything in the universe is energy, it all has vibration, including thoughts, emotions, spiritual development, physical wellness, and more. The vibrations of these aspects of yourself have different frequencies, and these frequencies generate colors that surround you and create your aura. This is why your aura colors change--because you are constantly changing. It's also why some aura colors remain for longer periods--because there are aspects of you that change or progress more slowly.

As You Change, So Does Your Aura

The only constant in life is change. As you have experiences and learn new things, you adapt to your current circumstances with all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit. This affects your vibration, which in turn, shifts your aura colors. So, when you experience major life changes, your aura colors may shift as well, and you may wish to re-test. Bookmark this test so you can return to it anytime you want to see how your aura has shifted and gain new insights into yourself. Then, you can learn more about the aura color meaning of your shade.

What Color Is My Aura? Simple Color Test With Revealing Results