62 Interesting Things to Talk About on the Phone

From simple preferences to deep emotional questions, there are lots of ways to keep that phone conversation going strong.

Updated September 2, 2023
Person talking on phone and smiling
alvaro gonzalez/Moment via Getty Images

You like them, and you think they like you. No worries if you get tongue-tied and nervous on the phone, though. Having a list of things to talk about on the phone can keep your conversation from growing cold by not having topics to discuss.

Keep a list handy to make sure you aren't witness to that awkward silence and weird nervousness, but remember, these topics aren't a script. This is just a guideline of stuff to talk about on the phone to keep the conversation moving naturally. We promise; you've totally got this.

Sample List of Interesting Topics to Talk About

If you want to keep the conversation flowing, create a list of topics. Don't script your conversation, though. Your list of topics should be more like cues of what to say so you avoid the dreaded "um," or worse, the long, empty pauses. The following is a sample list of good topics to talk about that you can use to fill in any empty places in your conversation.

General Questions for Phone Conversations

People love to talk about themselves (it's not selfish, just human). Ask them about their preferences and their life, and you're sure to keep that conversation going smoothly.

  • Talk about what interests the person.
  • Discuss popular films.
  • Discuss favorite television shows.
  • Ask "what if" questions.
  • Talk about fantasy vacation spots.
  • Imagine a fantasy date.
  • Describe a fantasy job.
  • Discuss personal and professional goals.
  • Talk music (past, present, and future).
  • Talk favorite foods, movies, and places to visit.
  • Find out what they like to do in their free time and how often they gets to do it (Sean Cooper, the Shyness & Social Anxiety Guy, recommends asking more specific questions like, "Do you play an instrument?" or "Do you like dancing?" as well).
  • Talk about your favorite classes, whether you're in school together or reminiscing about the past.
  • Discuss your favorite books.
  • What was the strangest dream they ever had?
  • Ask them about where they grew up.
  • Ask if they have a big group of friends or just a few of good, close friends.
  • Find out what they did last weekend (this could give you an idea of whether she likes to party or prefers quieter evenings).

Relationship Questions to Ask on the Phone

Cool young woman talking on cell phone at urban brick wall
Hero Images/Hero Images via Getty Images

You can steer the conversation in a bit of a romantic direction by talking about love, attraction, and all the other relationship goodies. Try these topics:

  • Share crazy dating stories (or just ask about his first date).
  • Ask what people are often surprised to find out about them or what people compliment them on the most (other than looks).
  • Ask them how they feel about traditional gender roles.

Family Questions for Phone Conversations

Family is kind of a huge deal for many people. Even if you're not a family person, it's good to know if they are. These questions can help you learn more:

  • Ask them about their oldest living relatives and their relationship with them.
  • What are some family traditions specific to their family?
  • If you haven't yet met their parents, ask what you can expect upon meeting them.
  • How important is family to them?
  • What are some family traditions specific to their family?
  • Are they more like their mother or his father - or neither?
Quick Tip

When you're talking about deeper topics like family and values, try to remain open to a different point of view. Even if you don't agree on everything, you may find that your values line up in ways you don't expect. And seeming open will make them feel more comfortable chatting with you.

'Living in the Moment' Topics for Conversation

Being mindful and in the moment is important, and sharing these experiences can help deepen your bond. Try these topics:

  • Ask them to describe in detail everything they can see right now.
  • Talk about who you might know in common to discover existing connections.
  • Have a conversation where you each alternate contributing one word until it forms a cohesive sentence.
  • Ask them to describe your physical appearance, like the color of your eyes and the shape of your face.
  • Tell them to describe your day to you, but they have to make up all the details.
  • If they had to start their life over in an entirely new city, where would that be and how would it be different from life now?

What to Talk About on the Phone to Get Vulnerable and Close

Being open and vulnerable in your conversation can make you closer. Try these ideas:

  • Ask them to tell you about the most difficult day they've ever lived.
  • Talk to them about spirituality and whether it's important to them or not.
  • When was the last time they examined what their inner voice was telling them?
  • When was the last time they really had to work hard at something?
  • What do they do when they need to clear their mind?
  • What sets them apart from other people?
  • Do they consider themselves to be needy or independent?
  • When opportunity arises, do they jump on it or are they cautious?
Woman laying on bed with cell phone
JGI/Jamie Grill via Getty Images

Delving Deeper in Phone Conversations

Next-level closeness means tackling next-level things to talk about on the phone. These topics are perfect:

  • Ask them if they could write a book, what it would be about.
  • What song really speaks to them and why?
  • If they could go into any store and get everything they wanted for free, what store would it be and what would they grab first?
  • Have they ever taken part in a protest?
  • What do they feel is the most inconsiderate thing people get away with?
  • Ask them to describe the most spectacular thing they've ever seen.
  • What do they do when faced with injustice?
  • What is their signature dish or drink?
  • How do they feel social media has changed relationships?
  • Who is the strangest person they have ever met?
  • Have they ever been on television?
  • Who is their celebrity crush?
  • What do they do when they need to clear their mind?
  • What makes them feel disrespected?
  • Have they ever been in a physical fight?
  • Ask them to tell you about a time they wish they could do over to change how it went.
  • What is a habit they wish they could break?
  • If they were elected President, what changes would they make?

Choice Questions to Talk About on the Phone

The classic "would you rather" has its place in your phone conversations, and the answers can be anything from hilarious to deeply interesting. These are a few to get you started:

  • At snack time, do they prefer sweet or salty?
  • At cuddle time, do they prefer hugs or kisses?
  • Do they prefer a slow pace or a hectic pace in life?
  • What is better at the end of the day: alone time or time with other people?
  • What is worse: physical pain or emotional pain?
  • What do they prefer: cardio or strength work?
Man talking on the phone and drinking coffee
Petar Chernaev/ E+ via Getty Images
Quick Tip

If you're running out of things to talk about with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other, it's always good to ask an open-ended question. Fun relationship questions help you get to know them better while keeping things light.

Key Things to Remember

When you are putting together your telephone topic list, remember these key things:

  • Keep your topic list generic. Don't write a "script" because the last thing you want to sound like is a telemarketer reading from a script.
  • Let the conversation flow, and remember, your topic list is a guideline and not a rule.
  • Don't overthink whether you should call. If someone gave you their number, that was an invitation to call them.
  • Come up with a topic or purpose for the call, so there's less room for awkward silences and nervousness. Maybe you want to invite them somewhere or find out what they thought about something you saw in the news.

Sometimes Listening Is Best

If you do call a girl, guy, or person you like, and you don't have a better reason than you just wanted to hear their voice, consider being honest. It may open up a completely new avenue of conversation for the two of you. Ultimately, when you are stuck for something to say on the phone, consider just listening. One of the best things you can do for a person that you like is to listen.

62 Interesting Things to Talk About on the Phone